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Read this Gaffney interview!!!

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Read this Gaffney interview!!!

Post by Nyogtha » Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:25 pm

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Re: Read this Gaffney interview!!!

Post by Futon » Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:46 pm

nd then, as if to prove WildStar hasnÔÇÖt run short of crazy ideas, Gaffney told me about his madcap scheme to allow more players to get a glimpse of their ultra-tough raids.

ÔÇ£What weÔÇÖre considering doing is having weekends where weÔÇÖll open up the cap on the raid, so that larger groups can do it. 200 people can pour in and try to do it. Now, this actually gets interesting because, if you think it makes it easier, in some ways it does. But trying to coordinate that many people presents its own challenge. We actually call it ÔÇÿThe Million Idiot MarchÔÇÖ, where weÔÇÖre letting everybody in, and people flail around making horrible deaths, and Chua drop from the sky, and everything will go horribly, horribly wrong.

ÔÇ£But if people manage to flail away and kill a boss, cool items drop. If youÔÇÖre never going to raid, youÔÇÖve got a shot at getting some of this cool loot and seeing some of these bosses that you might never be able to do. And so, when I play a game as a noob, I actually appreciate that. But the elitists amongst us are like ÔÇÿNo, leave them out of our raidÔÇÖ. So weÔÇÖll debate it back and forth, and maybe experiment with it in beta.ÔÇØ

is all i needed to read :D

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Re: Read this Gaffney interview!!!

Post by Nyogtha » Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:36 pm

I know, that's awesome!

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