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I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild event

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by Flay » Sun May 18, 2014 8:36 am

Although I haven't been on much during open beta so as not to get burned out, (have level 17+ in every class to find what i wanted to main) I will be on for this.

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by Oaire » Sun May 18, 2014 12:19 pm

Cougar ÔÇÅ@Cougardc 13m

If you thought @DapperDonatelli was a big spoiler. Just wait until you see what we bring out with the end of Beta Event #WildStar
0.o Can't wait

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by DeaconDread » Sun May 18, 2014 12:50 pm

I'll be there for sure. Can't wait. This may be our last chance at some Wildstar till pre launch.

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by PanthersDen » Sun May 18, 2014 4:13 pm

too bad my toon isn't on nexus or I'd join yall. oh well, i'll be playing with yall in go live :)

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by Trygveseim » Sun May 18, 2014 6:10 pm

EskimoKiss and I weren't on Nexus, so we re-rolled for tonight. I think we're level 9, but we hoofed it to Thayd.
In need of a guild invite if anyone's on (we didn't test guilds yet so haven't a clue how to find people).

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by Wabisan » Tue May 20, 2014 1:35 pm

I soooo slept thru this! How was it?

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Re: I would like to lead you all into an end of beta Guild e

Post by Nyogtha » Tue May 20, 2014 5:58 pm

I only made the very first round then had to go to bed. It was quite funny. They spawned a "dark rowsdowser" and he ran around Thayd changing from big to small. Sometimes flying in circles. All of a sudden Stormtalon spawned along with tornadoes and everyone in a certain radius (pretty big radius) dropped dead. Then the server crashed and I went to bed. It went on for another two hours and they did similar things. Nionya has some good pics of it.

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