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Exile - Aladara

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Exile - Aladara

Post by Aladara » Sun May 11, 2014 10:08 am

Hello everyone!

My hubby and I (he will be applying today) have been playing MMO's for 8+ years....Our gaming experience began with Pirates of the Caribbean - ~LOL. We have two sons (16 & 24) and the oldest is responsible for our MMO addictions! He got us playing WoW, Aion, AoC, Tera, Rift, SWToR, ESO and now Wildstar! Total let downs include Aion, Rift, SWToR and ESO(due to bugs) but we are REALLY REALLY super excited about Wildstar! Unfortunately our oldest is in the Army and will be unable to play with us until launch.

We are active, fun and love to help out where we can and have a wild sense of humor that comes with middle age! I am still playing around with my main class for launch day but I am leaning towards healing Espar :)

I look forward to running and chatting with each of our Exilians!! :mrgreen:

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Novatek » Sun May 11, 2014 10:28 am

Hello and welcome to Grievance!

Looking forward to playing with you in game. :)

Grab our TS info and chat with if you'd like. viewtopic.php?f=458&t=8346
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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Raille » Sun May 11, 2014 11:13 am

Welcome to Grievance!

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Nyogtha » Sun May 11, 2014 12:12 pm

Howdy and welcome! Y'all sound like a great fit! Good to have you!

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Streeg » Sun May 11, 2014 1:26 pm

Welcome to the family!!

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Nionya » Sun May 11, 2014 4:30 pm

Welcome to the family Aldara and Happy Mother's Day! Glad you decided to join us and I know you and your husband will find Grievance a very good fit for you both!

When you get a minute grab our TS info from the board index and log on to chat with us!

I look forward to gaming with you and see you on Nexus!!

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Astdor » Sun May 11, 2014 5:46 pm

Welcome!!! ;)
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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Steelheart » Sun May 11, 2014 8:29 pm


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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by Shiera » Sun May 11, 2014 9:30 pm

Welcome to Grievance! :D

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Re: Exile - Aladara

Post by NightAngel » Mon May 12, 2014 12:38 pm

Welcome to the Grievance family. Be sure to check out our ladies chapter of Grievance. We can be found at We are also on Twtter @GrievanceGirls and on Facebook at Gamer Girls of Grievance. Give us a like and follow. :)

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