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WildStar Exile Leader Intro

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Creed » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:56 am

*stealths inside Exile base*
*smells bad hygiene*
*kills guards*
*reporting to kannon that base has been infiltrated and position acquired*

*sets up mobile humanoid identification unit*

*< - - Humanoid identified - Soulguardian #
Exile leader and all around troublemaker -
Wanted in several systems and planets for crimes upon Dominion forces -
Armed and dangerous -
Do not confront at this time #

*breaks down mobile humanoid identification unit*
*smells bad hygiene again*

*reports to kannon on further action* *no further action taken*

*stealths out of Exile base*

*enjoys fresh air*
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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Element Zero » Sun Jul 28, 2013 6:44 am

HiltoftheDragon wrote:*stealths inside Exile base*
*smells bad hygiene*
*kills guards*
*reporting to kannon that base has been infiltrated and position acquired*

*sets up mobile humanoid identification unit*

*< - - Humanoid identified - Soulguardian #
Exile leader and all around troublemaker -
Wanted in several systems and planets for crimes upon Dominion forces -
Armed and dangerous -
Do not confront at this time #

*breaks down mobile humanoid identification unit*
*smells bad hygiene again*

*reports to kannon on further action* *no further action taken*

*stealths out of Exile base*

*enjoys fresh air*

^ LOL Love this.

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Bartholomew » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:11 pm

It was nice to read the leaders introduction. I am not sure what class I will be playing at launch. Once they announce all the classes I will decide. Looking forward to watching your back.


Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Avicious » Mon Jul 29, 2013 2:41 pm

HiltoftheDragon wrote:*stealths inside Exile base*
*smells bad hygiene*
*kills guards*
*reporting to kannon that base has been infiltrated and position acquired*

*sets up mobile humanoid identification unit*

*< - - Humanoid identified - Soulguardian #
Exile leader and all around troublemaker -
Wanted in several systems and planets for crimes upon Dominion forces -
Armed and dangerous -
Do not confront at this time #

*breaks down mobile humanoid identification unit*
*smells bad hygiene again*

*reports to kannon on further action* *no further action taken*

*stealths out of Exile base*

*enjoys fresh air*

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by YeahAbsolutely » Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:52 am

Well. That was absolutely fantastic.
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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Rock » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:59 am

Nice meeting all of you! I'll help in any way I can as I believe that people that help each other always get further in game and in life. Yeah Exiles!

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Nyogtha » Sat Nov 23, 2013 12:34 pm

SoulGuardian wrote:Greetings Cupcakes! I am SoulGuardian the Excited, your new Commander in Chief, Ulimate Authority, to Be Obeyed at All Costs. I have been granted the huge responsibility of taking this rag tag group of floating space debris, otherwise known as the Exiles, and turning it into a finely tuned and functioning intergalactic gaming Guild! Not only will Nexus become the Exiles seat of power, but over time we will make the planet feel like home. We will work as one to accomplish these goals, and in the process we will gather, build, kill, capture, befriend, and everything else in between, as a huge, adopted family. I dont tolerate drama, bad manners, good hygiene, or anything else that reflects badly on the Guild. But I am always open to questions, or suggestions, and I will always give straight answers. So, welcome to the team, and the first to ride a Draken like a mechanical bull will gain my respectfor a day. That will be all.
I look forward to working with you good Sir. I'll have you know that I have already contributed to the cause by successfully removing part of the Chua brain that makes them violent. This can be demonstrated by my friend here, Pucky. It still retains it's intelligence and has been a great help to me with my experiments, but no longer has it's insane violent tendency to distract it or make it a burden. Although this was quite a big step in combating the Dominion, it isn't the most useful thing in the grand scheme of things. It will be helpful should we bring in more prisoners of war, however.

Haven't really talked to you yet Soul, only saw you in some of the Debuffed vids, but look forward to playing the game with you and the other Grievance peeps!

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Priest » Wed Dec 11, 2013 6:13 am

He he, great intro! I look forward to tanking for you and the Exiles in the near future. By the way, that spy.... I caught them outside and politely removed part of their arms. I didn't mean to pull so hard, but I'm a granok after all ;)

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Jaseac » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:14 pm

Soul what game are you playing now? I would like to possibly get into that so I can run with the people that will be playing wildstar here in a few months. I noticed most of your posts are Tera, I have toons on tera that I play, so Just let me know where I can find ya.

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Re: WildStar Exile Leader Intro

Post by Mr.Puddlez » Fri Dec 13, 2013 1:50 pm

Jaseac wrote:Soul what game are you playing now? I would like to possibly get into that so I can run with the people that will be playing wildstar here in a few months. I noticed most of your posts are Tera, I have toons on tera that I play, so Just let me know where I can find ya.
Send him a PM on the forums....he should reply.

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