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Dragon Influence

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Dragon Influence

Post by Omyz » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:48 am

Really disappointed with the Dragon Influence. It appears to be great for those already level capped, but not much has been said about those mid level.

Ziren is currently 47, basically 2 int 1 da then 1 int 1 char 1 da per level. Still upping the charisma for the length of time the dragon is out. Before the patch I was at 14 minutes, now its 4 minutes.

Anyway, I've accumulated two rings and one necklace with Dragon influence, 139 total, tool tip says 21%

I was lucky enough to pop Onyx Smoke from a flute, base level 35, though of course because it was fluted popped at 47.

Beat him down to half life, mounted and got the reject cap just seconds before the timer was up. Beat him down to quarter life, mounted, 5 seconds before the timer ran out popped an dragon drive potion just in case. Again rejected tame. Beat him down to almost dead, mounted, half way through popped another dragon drive. He had 1/2 gold left when the timer ran out and for a moment I was cheering and then boom, dragon rejects cap.

Bull puckey. This is the first 'real' dragon I've seen for myself (fungal bloom doesnt count, saw it in the wild and followed but too 'big' for me). Before dragon influence I know I would have had this dragon. Basically it appears I shouldn't bother trying to cap anything until I am max level and have max dragon influence items to wear.

Something is broke here, or if it is by design, they can kiss their new players good by, because if the new players cannot cap the dragon's without feeling like they have been punished for not playing the game from day one, they won't stick around long.

Dev's need a compromise between the first over powered full charisma and the current implementation. What I ran into last night left a very bad taste in my mouth.
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Re: Dragon Influence

Post by Peete » Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:51 am

I understand your frustration, and basically agree with you. However I would suggest posting on the Dragon's Prophet Forums, since there is not a signal thing anyone of us can do.

They are clearly starting low with the bonus. I put in my In-game guild message that this was likely to happen. Hopefully they will be adding more items that lets us capture dragons in the near future.

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