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WildStar's Paths System

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WildStar's Paths System

Post by Cr├¡ost├│ir » Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:45 pm

So, what exactly are Paths, you ask?

How many of you have ever taken the Bartle Test? In many ways, WildStar's Path System is the Bartle test made incarnate.
Courtesy of Rock Paper Shotgun:
RPS: ThereÔÇÖs almost an element of social experiment to it, in terms of being based specifically around the Bartle theory of MMO/MUD play styles. Have there been any other games that have so deliberately done that before?

JG: I am so bummed that you mention Bartle right now, and the reason why is because in the presentation IÔÇÖve been giving I had a hidden slide. So when journalists ask the right question I would be ÔÇÿAchievement Unlocked, youÔÇÖve found the hidden slide.ÔÇÖ But no-one in any of the interviews has asked me about Bartle yet, and here I am without my slideshow. YouÔÇÖre the only person to reference it so far.

But hereÔÇÖs the trick of BartleÔÇÖs. BartleÔÇÖs breaks it down to four ÔÇô youÔÇÖve got your killer, youÔÇÖve got your socialiser, youÔÇÖve got your explorer and your achiever. The trick there is that it applies to Paths, kind of. But Killer under BartleÔÇÖs is a griefer, you get your jollies on mucking with people, ruining other peopleÔÇÖs game. We donÔÇÖt do that, that is not a game style that we want to cater to, we want those people in other peopleÔÇÖs games.

Also, almost everybodyÔÇÖs an Achiever to some level. So what we did was break achievement up into three different areas ÔÇô collecting, combat achievement like getting better and better at fighting, and also the building style thing, the building up type of achievement. And we added story to this too, because a lot of people play just to get into the story, digging into the lore. Those variants are all sort of sprinkled throughout our paths. Some of itÔÇÖs related ÔÇô IÔÇÖve talked with Richard before and I know his stuff, we looked at his research, but a lot of itÔÇÖs sort of [outside of that], both what weÔÇÖve observed and how play as well. So itÔÇÖs interesting, because I like RichardÔÇÖs stuff.
The path you chose directly influences around 30% of your play within WildStar. If you choose Explorer and I choose Scientist, for example, around 70% of our experience will overlap directly. Our paths diverge however, when it comes to the extra content.

What are the various Paths?

There are four paths to choose from:

You will explore the wonders of an alien world. Travel to the darkest corners of this mysterious planet while discovering the locations of ancient artifacts of immense power. Climb higher, dig deeper and go farther than anyone in order to claim territory in the name of your faction.
You are the living proof that knowledge is power! Dig into the mysteries of planet Nexus, and unlock unique abilities by studying ancient Eldan relics, exotic plants and dangerous alien organisms.
3.) The SOLDIER:
You have come here to kick ass! Initiate epic battles, mastering new weapons and special combat skills as you smash your way up the ranks for fame, fortune and glory.
4.) The SETTLER:
You are the pillar of the community. Bring civilization to this newly discovered planet by constructing outposts in dangerous areas and upgrading existing towns. Work with others to improve the world with banks, transportation networks, vendors, and other helpful structures to aid your allies.
Currently, it sounds like the Path you choose is a permanent choice, but we'll see if that gets changed based on tester feedback. I definitely like the sound of how each path will change your own experience within the WildStar world, though.
Courtesy of the PAR
An Explorer, for example, can find and open hidden tunnels which run beneath the planet Nexus' surface to find additional quests, treasure, and enemies to fight. A Soldier might encounter a Holdout, where he has to either assault, defend, or survive against waves of enemies.

If you think you'd like diving into the game's lore, the Scientist path is all about collection and amassing hidden knowledge. If you want to make WildStar into a home and enjoy playing virtual real estate manager in space, the Settler path may be more your style. The game is built to suit all sorts of playstyles and, while I was disappointed to hear that there would be no Path re-speccing, the idea of a single world with multiple ways to experience it is exciting.
I think I'll go with the Settler or Scientist, myself.

How 'bout you?

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Beriothien » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:00 pm

Honestly, Settler seems interesting, since it's something that most other games don't have. Being able to setup locations that could potentially help your group as a whole is interesting. :-)

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Nionya » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:07 pm

This is going to be the hardest choice for me....I can see many alts in my future. :)

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Cr├¡ost├│ir » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:09 pm

Beriothien wrote:Honestly, Settler seems interesting, since it's something that most other games don't have. Being able to setup locations that could potentially help your group as a whole is interesting. :-)
There was another neat Settler-specific quote that caught my eye:
Courtesy of Joystiq
What blew me away was the hidden tunnel system under the zone itself. An explorer character, Gaffney explained, can access these tunnels to travel quickly across zones and interact with special mobs and quests. A settler character, by contrast, can build up quest hubs to add mount vendors and temporary taxi routes, aiding everyone's travel while he gains experience. These mechanics are balanced such that a single settler in an empty zone can still make interesting things happen, but a packed zone will take a lot more effort from (but provide a lot more benefit to) all the people there.

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Pokeypillow » Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:36 pm

Explorer or Scientist. <3

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by magicrules » Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:56 pm

Think settler be first thing i try, then prolly scientist.

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by NightAngel » Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:36 pm

I am with Pokey, explorer and scientist here however the settler has potential based on that one quote to add taxi systems etc. That will definitely come in handy.

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Shiera » Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:51 pm

I can feel my alt-itis creeping in :lol:

I can't wait for this game!

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by SoulGuardian » Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:52 pm

I just love the idea of the Paths! Especially since we can help people out even though we might not be following the same path. For example, when a soldier starts a quest, it looks like a public event that anyone can join-like one of those missions where you protect someone from mobs for a short period of time(but with WildStars sense of humor, its probably going to be protecting Princess Vespa from a bunch of Prince Valiums').

But honestly, the Explorer looks amazing. I'm one of those idiots that love to explore every inch of the map, so it fits my play style perfectly. Which is why the Path system works so well- we are getting rewards for doing what, we as gamers, tend to do anyways. Its a win win!

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Re: WildStar's Paths System

Post by Shiera » Sat Mar 30, 2013 3:38 pm

ChaosRaven wrote:I'm one of those idiots that love to explore every inch of the map
That's me as well...I see a spot on the map that isn't uncovered and my OCD kicks into overdrive LOL

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