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Mythic Raiding Rules

Moderators: Sumsion, Schmo

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Mythic Raiding Rules

Post by Cataclysm » Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:01 pm

Raiding Until End of Expansion & Beyond
As we near the end of the expansion, we look for additional content to provide to our raiders on Raid Nights. In the near future, it seems we will be completing Heroic Antorus in one night, or at least with very little left to complete on our additional raid nights. Mythic will be a more intensive content with higher requirements than we usually ask. A greater commitment of time. A higher ilvl requirement. A higher skill level and greater mechanical knowledge of each fight. More will be covered on each of these areas below. Our priority will always be to get each team their Heroic (Argus) kills for the week. Mythic will not interfere with our current goals (Which is to attempt to get all "Membership" there AOTC / Mount), but will be an additional challenge for those that want to attempt it. For now, Mythic will be one night a week only on Saturday for 2 hours (may flip-flop nights week to week).

Mythic Difficulty Raids
Mythic raids will be for the raiders that can perform to the best of their abilities, while understanding the proper mechanics pertaining to their Class and Spec. They must have completed one full clear of Heroic and it must show on their logs in the World of Warcraft Armory. The Mythic Antorus Raid team will be created with a balanced raid composition in mind.


Commitment to Collaboration
Working with others is at the very heart of a MMO experience. Our stable network of raiding offers the community a lot of options. We all push together to get the most out of our gaming experience while helping each other improve across the guild. We take collaboration to the next level by expecting our members to interact and work not just with their raid team but also with the guild as a whole. This requires everyone to embrace a big picture understanding, to trust in the good intentions of others and to demonstrate a willingness to do what is best for the guild.

Anything worthwhile requires work and effort. We have chosen to work together overcoming many obstacles in the process to create something unique in the Alliance World Of Warcraft community. We are proud of what we have accomplished and understand that it is only by working together that we can maintain our unique sense of identity and purpose. We have many more great things ahead of us, but at the heart of everything we achieve is a willingness to collaborate with others to accomplish what none of us could on our own.

Commitment to Progression in Mythic Raiding
Grievance is a accomplished casual raiding guild that focuses on self improvement. We have a lot of options in how you choose to progress/improve - be it once a month or every day - but the emphasis is always on progression and this especially holds true for Mythic difficulty. We expect you to put effort into your character before you show up for a raid. We expect you to be willing to push yourself to improve not just as a player but as a person. Every conflict, be it a boss encounter or a disagreement with another player, is an opportunity for progression.

We expect progression from all our members, from the new recruit that joined yesterday to our Guild Leader. Please understand this is not rhetoric. We are serious about our progression in game and as a community. This means we do call each other out (to support not criticize) so be prepared to be pushed outside your comfort zone. If you are providing feedback, do so with the best intentions - check your ego and attitude. If you are not open to feedback or a progression atmosphere, joining up for Mythic may not be the best route for you to take.


Mythic Requirements (Will change once we collect all of your comments)
All Raid Rules & Etiquette still apply.

Know Your Class – Not everyone is expected to be at the top of the DPS/Healing meters, and being at the top doesn’t necessarily mean you performed your job. Different encounters require different roles/assignments from people that may prevent that player from doing DPS/Healing and being overzealous in those situations can lead to a wipe. Team Success > Individual Parses.

- This means knowing your rotation, which talents are best for which fights, and what utilities you bring to the table and how to use them. This includes but is not limited to: Immunes, Stuns/Interrupts/Slows, Movement Buffs, Battle Res, Raid CDs, Taunts, etc. Your overall goal should be to have high execution rate, low avoidable damage taken, high damage/hps output. Everyone should know their stat priorities and which gear pieces would benefit them the most for which fights.

- Minimum 24 Concordance (75 Artifact traits) in specs for role required. This includes off specs as well for Tanks and Healers. Off-specs must meet all requirements (including performance requirements) for the spec. Otherwise, if a tank/healer does not have a viable offspec, they will be swapped out for an alternate if they are not the tank/healer for the pull.

Know the Raid – There are a ton of videos and guides online. It takes a few pulls for everyone to learn the fight, but basics should be known well ahead of coming into raid. With having AOTC, 90% of the mechanics should be no surprise to you. We ask that you are understanding and selfless in the respect that if you are required to sit for an encounter, you are willing to do so without a fuss.

Be Dependable – When you sign up for a team, you are promising 19 other people that you will be there on time, the whole time, and ready to go. You are also agreeing to bring all the necessary consumables (food, flasks pots, and tomes) required to raid. We understand sometimes people may need to post out for the night, but give as much warning as possible so we can find a replacement for the night (Posting out on the forums is our preferred way to inform the RL's and the team that you will miss). Frequent absences from current raid roster for Normal / Heroic will result in demotion.

Be Positive – When the night is going south, it’s easy for tempers to sneak up on people. Take constructive criticism and use it to learn and grow. Help your fellow teammates to improve where needed. No one here is perfect so check your ego at the door and DO NOT let your temper get the better of you.

Loot Distribution
Loot will be distributed via Master Looting. Members are expected to know which pieces provide the biggest upgrade for them, as well as what is a higher priority for their peers (similar roles/classes/specs). This Method is no different then how we distribute extra loot in regular raiding. With this knowledge, members will yield loot to other raid members if it benefits the raid more.


Alliance Raid Progression (Proudmoore)
The current schedule for progression is three nights per week and all such raids will start at 6PM server (PST) and run until 8PM Server (PST) with an Optional Hour on Friday and Saturday.

Accomplished Casual Raiding
  • Tuesday (2 Groups)
    Antorus 6PM PST - 8PM PST
    Heroic (ilvl 930)
  • Friday (2 Groups) (Optinal Extra Hour)
    Antorus 6PM PST - 8PM PST
    Heroic (ilvl 930)

Combined Mythic Raiding

Open Night (Main/Alt/Members)
  • Sunday (1 Group)
    Antorus 5PM PST - 7PM PST
    Normal (ilvl 915)
    Sunday's Run still requires that you follow all the Raid Rules.

Alliance Normal/Heroic/Mythic Requirements
Gems (+150 N/H +200 M)
Enchants (+150 N +200 H/M)
Personal Food (+375)
2 Legendaries (H/M)
10 Concordance of the Legion Fall (H)
24 Concordance of the Legion Fall (M)

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Re: Mythic Raiding Rules

Post by Cataclysm » Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:35 pm

Just so we can Clarify there are NO SIGN UPS for Mythic raiding. We where going to have it in place and Make Groups and Alternate Groups but after the last 2 weeks of the Trial Mythics we are not going to have Sign ups. The past 2 weeks showed us that Week one we had 33 ppl show up.. the 13 people that did not go into mythic there was 8 left over to do stuff with and they ran mythic plus dungeon (Thanks Torvi). Week 2 showed us that we had 23 raiders on so only 3 people had to sit out.

We did have a plan to have the Alternate Group go ahead and do some sorta Alt Night for in heroic raiding. But due to the Above statement we are not. Sorry for any inconvenience but we really encourage people to still be on and to go off and do Mythic Plus or other aspects of the game. Even if its just Listen in or watch if some one is Twitching it. Just so you have an understanding of whats going on.

Overall for the Most part we are hoping this will be effective way of doing things. To be honest this sorta rule set was what we where going to do in the beginning of the expansion funny how things turn out in the end.

Thanks all for all your input.. Comments... Questions and Concerns. Please remember to always ask questions if unsure of things.

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