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Raids and beyond

Moderators: Sumsion, Schmo

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Raids and beyond

Post by Cataclysm » Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:04 pm

In light of the amount of people that we had show up on Tuesday the 20th raid. We did manage to have 2 groups go in. Both grps did get down the first boss on Normal Emerald nightmare and to us that makes us happy. We did a re look at how many ppl where involved from both of the groups and we must say that we were impressed with the amount of people that did show up on the 20th.

So for us moving forward we will be going with the set groups as per our raid roster. So if you are unsure on what group you are in please go and check it out on the raid roster section on the forums. viewtopic.php?f=719&t=25653

Reminder that everything is always a work in progress and we are learning as we go. We hope every one enjoys the raiding we all offer you and wish you the best of luck in getting gear and play with your friends.

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