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Ko'ragh Strategy

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Ko'ragh Strategy

Post by Skye » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:10 pm

Ko'ragh Tips & Strategy

The Ko'ragh encounter requires heavy movement and careful coordination of a small group of players who must manage a special task in the fight. Healing and DPS demands on this encounter are high, and raids will want a good balance of physical and magical type damage-dealers to deal with the central mechanic of the fight, the Nullification Barrier/Rune of Nullification.

-Charging a new Nullification BarrierKo'ragh begins the fight with a powerful Nullification Barrier that absorbs a set amount of magical damage.
-Physical damage dealt to Ko'ragh during this time will remove health from his health bar; magical damage will simply deplete the shield.
-While Ko'ragh is protected by the Barrier, he also gains Breaker's Strength, causing his damage to ramp up slowly.
-When players deal enough magical damage to fully deplete the shield, Ko'ragh will leap to the center of the room and summon a Rune of Nullification, charging a new Nullification Barrier.
-Once the new Nullification Barrier is fully charged, Ko'ragh will resume using his other abilities.
-One player may enter the Rune of Nullification along with Ko'ragh each time, and gain their own Nullification Barrier.
-While inside the Rune of Nullification, the player will be affected by Caustic Energy, taking very heavy damage and requiring significant healer focus. This damage ignores damage-reduction abilities and immunities.
-The longer a player stands inside the Rune, the larger their Nullification Barrier will be, but players should move out if they are in danger of dying. (Once you have gained a Nullification Barrier from a Rune, you can re-enter that Rune freely, so stepping out to benefit from a large heal or a mechanic such as Spirit Link Totem, then stepping back in to finish charging up your Barrier, can help you survive.)
-Players who have gained a Nullification Barrier must stand underneath Overflowing Energy orbs to nullify their raid damage; unsoaked Overflowing Energy orbs will detonate upon hitting the ground and deal heavy damage to the raid, and a player who stands under an orb without having a Nullification Barrier will take fatal damage.

Overflowing Energy orb Overflowing Energy orbs spawn about every 30 seconds, though this is paused while Ko'ragh is charging his Nullification Barrier. While initially only one orb spawns at a time, every 90 seconds Ko'ragh will be able to summon an additional orb, so it is important to have a team of players assigned to the soaking task. Because the Overflowing Energy orbs can spawn anywhere within the room, ranged DPS are the best choice for this task. Before beginning the raid encounter, the raid should decide which players will be in charge of this task, and set an order for them to gain a Nullification Barrier. Also during the Rune of Nullification, Ko'ragh summons Volatile Anomaly adds. Since Ko'ragh does not need to be tanked during this time, tanks should pick up the Volatile Anomalies and drag them to Suppression Fields to silence the adds and prevent them from casting Destabilize when they die. Ko'ragh also uses Expel Magic throughout the encounter. These are simple mechanics to handle:

-Expel Magic: Arcane affects only the tank, causing the tank to leave a trail of Arcane bombs that will explode every 1.5 seconds. The other tank should taunt, and the affected tank should run away from the raid.
-Expel Magic: Fire debuffs the entire raid, causing them to detonate after several seconds or when dispelled. Players should spread out to avoid damaging each other. Healers can dispel strategically.
-Expel Magic: Frost summons a frost orb that slows and damages players near it. The raid should move away.
-Expel Magic: Shadow places a heal-absorbing shield on the entire raid. Healers should use throughput cooldowns to remove the shield quickly.

Tank Responsibilities

-Tank Volatile Anomalies in Suppression Field
-Taunt the boss whenever the other tank is affected by Expel Magic: Arcane
-When affected by Expel Magic: Arcane, run away from the raid
-Move Ko'ragh away from Expel Magic: Frost orbs and the Suppression Field
-When Ko'ragh leaps to the center of the room, do not follow him - tanks should not charge up a barrier
-Taunt and gather the Volatile Anomalies, then position them inside a Suppression Field

Damage-Dealer Responsibilities

-Spread out slightly for Expel Magic: Fire (especially melee DPS)
-Move away from Expel Magic: Frost; abilities like Stampeding Roar, Windwalk Totem, or personal movement speed-increasing effects are useful here
-While Ko'ragh is charging, do not enter the Rune of Nullification unless you are assigned to do so
-Do not kill Volatile Anomalies until they are within a Suppression Field
-Avoid standing in Suppression Fields, and move away if Ko'ragh targets you or someone near you for Suppression Field

Healer Responsibilities

-Players should spread for Expel Magic: Fire detonation
-The Ko'ragh tank will take heavy damage, and may require external tank CDs
-Use raid CDs to mitigate Expel Magic: Shadow and any orbs-that-you-have-to-soak detonations that occur
-Players affected by Caustic Energy will take extremely heavy damage; all healers should help heal these targets
-The shield charging damage penetrates all immunities and damage reduction abilities, so do not use external CDs on these players
-Do not dispel Expel Magic: Fire from melee players or any players stacked up with one another (there is little reason to dispel if the raid spreads out)
-Avoid standing in Suppresion Field and move away from Expel Magic: Frost orbs

Nullification Barrier Team Responsibilities

-Be the first player(s) to enter the Rune of Nullification when it is your turn to soak
-Do not use damage-reduction cooldowns while in the Rune, as the damage from Caustic Energy ignores them
-Do use a Healthstone or Healing Tonic to assist healers in keeping you alive
-Stay in the Rune of Nullification as long as possible to get a large Nullification Barrier, but leave if you fear you are going to die
-Nullification Barrier is an alternate power bar, not a debuff; be sure you can track it appropriately
-Once you have soaked your assigned Rune of Nullification, you should never enter a later Rune of Nullification - the goal is to have several players with Nullification Barriers by the end of the fight!
-Look for Overflowing Energy locations and stand underneath them as they are about to hit the ground
-Be sure not to soak the same Overflowing Energy orb as another player

When to Use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp
Use Bloodlust/ Heroism/ Time Warp at the start of the encounter when the least movement is required.

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