Edit: Forgot the monsters are level 28 around here so if you are on a low level be careful.

You should pass this tree to get here.(I didn't pass it because I jumped off the mountain across from the hill, also I gathered everything so nothing was on this side when I took the picture.)

If you set a route you should come up to the tree like this and the hill is right behind it. (There are alot of spots to get up onto it, it's not a jumping puzzle.)

On top of the hill, there was a pretty decent amount of things to gather all around the hill when I got there. (Church is to my left see below for the church)

Church is right across from the hill if you can't find it

Down near the bridge, all the things I've circled can be gathered. (I didn't go over there yet, I only saw them light up.)

Spent about 10 minutes looking around and gathering I started at 0 gathering. (Saffron, Cotton, Barley, and Moonweed if anyone was wondering what grows around here)

It seems thing take a while to re-spawn at the moment so I would gather here then change channels or gather while doing something else. If I find any more spots with gathering or mining I will put them here for anyone that wants it, if you find any better spots post them here. /('D')/