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Titanbane (New Application)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 3:24 pm
by Titanbane
Your in game name: Titanborn (if available at launch)
Your age: 29
Time zone: Central time
Location: Chicago, IL
Hobbies: Video games, girlfriend, beer (usually in that order)
Real life things you do: Work, game, spend time with friends and family.
Play times: 6pm - 12am weekdays, Any time on weekends (this obviously fluctuates based on irl stuff)
PVP Yes or No? Yes but not solo.
What Class will you be playing at start? Gaurdian (I'm a long time MMO semi hardcore tank).
Short history of your gaming experience: MMO = WoW, Rift, ESO, Tera, FF14,. In most of these MMOs I tanked. Usually my alt is a healer or dps. I'm a numbers nerd and being an unkillable PVE boss controller and PVP never dieing troll gives me the warm fuzzy feelings ;) I will only heal in games where the healing exceeds reactionary tab targeting such as ESO.
Anything else you'd like to add. We like to know as much info as your willing to give us: As I mentioned, I'm a seasoned MMO tank. I crunch the numbers. Build outside the meta and tailor my style to the group. I've been the MT and raid leader for successful large 25-40 man groups so I can contribite there if needed. But I can just as easily follow another raid leader and OT when needed.
The MOST important thing to me after over a decade of MMO gaming is the people I play with. Progression and winning are great, but laughter, comradery, and social fun while gaming are why I play. I'm looking for a group that I can find those staples with and when I do I plan on sticking around.
I also have a girlfriend who enjoys gaming as well and does play some games with me. If the people are the right fit, she may like to join as well. A group that is excepting of non hardcore players like her is also very important to me.
I work the typical 8-5 gig with weekends off. I do travel a decent amount (I will be gone for the first week of EA launch) but I always know well in advance. As a MT I know the importance of being consistent in my availability. I don't have kids and having a gaming gf makes being able to game pretty easy, so I can be very reliable for an equally reliable set of guildies.
Thank you for taking the time to read my mini novel. I hope to see you all in game soon!

Re: Titanbane (New Application)

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 7:05 am
by fazed
Welcome Grievance and Welcome to Bless Online chapter. Thank you for completing the application. Reminder we will be going Union Faction for launch.

Here is our Discord Information. viewtopic.php?f=988&t=50226

See you in game, keep in touch on discord.

And your GF would probably fit right in as well. Grievance usually runs as semi hardcore. Meaning we usually have a group of dedicated players and players that are usual a bit more casual. We don't discriminate and try to make groups for all sorts of content. We are also having a guild meeting this week before launch 5/25 8:30pm EST.

Re: Titanbane (New Application)

Posted: Mon May 28, 2018 8:20 pm
by Skye
A warm welcome home to Grievance! You have joined a great organization with caring leadership. If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please let your officers know! I am also here as a resource for you as Community Manager. You can visit our community forums, stop by and say hi or post your questions about Grievance or share a story, art, news, and pics. I enjoy hearing from you. Let me know if you have any more questions!
