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Thoughts so far

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Thoughts so far

Post by vaash » Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:05 am

I've taken 3 characters to upper 20s, I know that sounds low, and run through the first dungeon solo and even took a crack at soloing the heroic mode. Here are some thoughts on the classes I've tried so far:

Spiritshaper(28) - main attribiutes Spirit(Priority) and CON, INT for damage
So far this class in PVE is just easy mode. While you only have like 4 damaging spells they are more than enough to take down any content that I've come across with ease. DOT, 2 DDs and an AOE(fairly strong and short cooldown)
Heals on this class are also interesting as most of your group heals are fire and forget and hit all friendlies within 30m - I tested this last night with our group of three and let me just say 30m is really a long distance. Enough to keep you well out of harms way and still have your group heals hit your group.

Vangard(25) - 100Pow or so for leveling - then Spirit and CON
IMHO - Typical tank class; however, its got LOTS of CC - knockdown after knockdown. Of course will be quite low on the damage scale, but who wants your main tank DPS'ing anyway

Gunslinger(28) - AGI main stat - POW secondary
Although it seems a bit out of place to have a gun wielding character in this game, its all magic and blade weapons everywhere, the Gunslinger is really quite fun to play. Like a lot of classes and from some research it seems they really come into their own around level 50. Pretty much a glass cannon with the longest range in the game, they really shine in a group when left alone to dps. A few attacks for CC(knockdown) and slowing and in later levels they do bring a buff to the party. Squishy so care needs to be taken in PVE.

Here is an interesting post on potential class builds. IMHO RO seems like its getting back to the base roots of an MMORPG, with the Trinity in place and the ability to extensively shape your character down to the attribute level. So hop on if you can and try a few characters :D

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