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Launch day

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Launch day

Post by finndo » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:20 am

Currently I have an Epic Founder Pack, which gives me access to the game on July 16th, I may still upgrade on Friday to the Legendary to get access on the 17th with an OX and T3 gear, but not sure yet. (most likely will, since it could be weeks before I can get a T3 horse or OX otherwise)

I am working on a plan of what to do at launch to get started. since this is a 100% player driven economy (nothing exists unless made or sold by a player), the main issues are going to be revolving around lack of silver in game. The best way to get silver in game is to sell items; however, no one will have any silver to buy them.

I am going to start a new toon and play through the early parts and see if I can map out a path for making some silver early on, without using the AH.

my current plan is as below, I'll edit this post if I find it won't work via my new toon.

1. Follow starter quests
2. Get to T3 tools ASAP
3. Sell everything you have at that point
4. Go to T3 zone (nearest city as base)
5. Gather and sell on AH
6. Make T3 tools
7. Sell T2/T3 tools
8. Every 500 silver you make put in a buy order for gold at minimum silver price
9. Repeat steps 5-8 to gain as much gold as possible
10. Move up to T4 tools ASAP
11. Start making gear
12. Sell gear and tools for all Tiers (will have to carry them to the starter areas to sell in the AH there, as the AH are not linked, possibly moving to multiple starter areas, not sure, depends on time lost doing so)
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Re: Launch day

Post by Novatek » Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:46 am

Cool, thanks. I'll refer to this post on launch day!
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