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New World: The Royal Islands and The Outlands

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New World: The Royal Islands and The Outlands

Post by Novatek » Wed Jun 15, 2016 3:32 pm

We are restructuring the entire Albion Online World.

Albion Online is getting a completely new World Map with the release of the Final Beta this summer. And with completely new, we are not just talking about the new biomes you have already heard about. It is time to say goodbye to the current East and West continent, and welcome the Royal Islands and The Outlands!

Why the New World?

First of all, we wanted the yellow and red zones to be more accessible for newer players, without them being pushed away by guilds. The solution to that is created the two Royal Islands, which consist of green, yellow and red zones. There will be no guild territories to fight over, making them perfect for casual and small scale PvP.

Secondly, black zones currently only make up a small part of the world, leaving little room for guilds and hardcore PvP. This will be changed by introducing the Outlands, a black zone-only continent which will be larger than both Royal Islands combined!

Note that all names and images used below are concepts and may be different in the final version of the New World. The Highlands and Forest biomes will not yet be included at the start of Final Beta, but will be added before the official release of the game! They are currently replaced by respectively Mountains and Swamps.
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