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anyone currently playing

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:30 am
by Himdall
is anyone currently playing this game or has tried the alpha...... it looks interesting but I have questions

Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:20 am
by ChezKurg
I jumped in to this game this morning since I am a little perturbed at ArcheAge right now. Not sure if it will hold my interest terribly long, but giving it a shot over the next couple months until a) ArcheAge grabs me again, or b) the WoW expansion hits. :p. Probably not enough of us for a Grievance guild at this time, but would be nice if all of us were at least in some other guild together for now.

Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:53 pm
by Verwustung
When is the next test for founders? I have thought about purchasing I like the idea of cross platforms.

Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 11:02 am
by Syneous
I just recently found this. it looks interesting.

How does this "what you wear is what you are" class system work? I normally start out as Healer or Rogue as my main toon. Im not sure this will be for a casual player as myself.


Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:21 am
by Archon
I've been in three Alpha's so far, next one is in January. Definitely not enough guild interest to make a guild (unless archage is as bad as i hear)
The "what you wear is what you are" system ties in with abilities coming directly from your equipment, so with no equipment on you have no skills, then you craft items and pick some abilities for them, and wear them and those are the skills you have. So you could just wear a healing staff and cloth or plate, or daggers and leather or plate or anything. Your weapon probably determines your "class" more than anything though.

Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:59 pm
by Slappy
edit: looks like June for the summer alpha...

I just found this game, and am thinking about getting into the Alpha. Is game playable now? If not, when is next alpha?



Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:37 am
by Rhoklaw
Just started playing it 2 days ago cause I wanted to check out the resource gathering, crafting and build structure system. In all honesty, the game is fairly well designed in all 3 aspects and the class system being based of gear you craft is actually very fun. There are taunts and heals in the game, so it's definitely a trinity based style game, which is the only kind I like ( smh @ GW2 ).

I managed to get as far as crafting my own T3.3 gear and decided to purchase both a guild plot and my house plot. I'm not sure, but I believe there will be a wipe for Beta or maybe just open Beta and then again at launch. I decided to purchase the plots to see what buildings could fit on the guild plot and what buildings could go on the house plot. Reason being, the guild hall is huge and takes up a lot of space, like almost 2-4 normal build sizes. So I'm thinking the ideal guild plot setup would be to have the guild hall, repair station, tool station, all refining stations and then maybe donate my house plot for guild farming and class trainers. There just isn't enough space to fit everything on the guild island plot.

Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:11 am
by Dhocott
I am casually playing in this alpha to test the crop/livestock farming system. I produce food and sell it in the market for a profit. It is starting to pay off as I get to the higher tiered foods and the economy levels out. Food is going to be very valuable to maintain the buildings that are player owned.

The thing I like about this game is that outside of the starter area everything is owned and operated by players. All desirable equipment and consumables are player crafted. Property can be purchased in the green safe zones and players can be charged for the use of the buildings.

I am going to try to purchase some city properties in the beta and see if it can be profitable to allow others to use those facilities. I think player owned buildings in the cities can be set to allow guild members to use them and only be charged the city tax as opposed to the city + owner tax. In that scenario, it would actually be cheaper to use city buildings because the islands currently have a 5% higher tax than cities.

I would like to own one building of each type and keep the fees low enough to drive out competition until there is a sort of monopoly. I am not sure how viable that is, but I think it would be neat to try.

I am playing solo and have not ventured into the red full PVP zones yet, so I cannot comment on those areas. It is my understanding that there are no taxes or fees associated with crafting in those areas, and only the higher tier resources and equipment are there. Those areas are controlled by guilds and subject to attack and loss.

There are currently a few ways to farm silver currency. Humanoid mobs drop silver, there are gathering quests that NPCs pay silver for completing, and my preferred way is to craft T2 equipment for free and salvage it for silver. It is slow and a grind, but safe for a solo player.

Since the alpha will be over in two weeks, I donÔÇÖt think there is enough time to do much else but test the systems and find bugs, but that is kinda the purpose of alpha testing. That and getting through the learning curve. They will wipe the server before beta and again before launch.

If any of you are going to take part in the beta, let me know and maybe we can hook up to test out how things work for groups.


Re: anyone currently playing

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:04 am
by Doran
Hows this coming along? I think the mechanics and ideas behind it are sweet if people are ok with the graphic style