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Tips I've picked up so far

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Tips I've picked up so far

Post by Grimmilson » Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:37 pm

Here's what I've got from the first 4 hours of playing:

-It pays to have a rough plan for your character before you start. While you can do everything eventually, in the beginning you'll see better results focusing on one playstyle (for both fighting and crafting).

-You have to earn xp both with using specific weapons and wearing armor types to "unlock" the ability to use the next tier. The main reason for the first tip.

-Crafting uses an "effort" system similar to Archeage. You burn effort points (not sure of the exact wording used by the game) when crafting.

-You can salvage anything you craft for a chance to reclaim some of the materials and some silver starting with T2 items. There's a special vendor for this.

-The beginning dungeons are solo friendly and can pay well. The end boss currently gives out 2400-3600 silver (I'm sure that will be reduced quickly).

-There's a teleport stone at the end of a dungeon that ports you back to the entrance.

-First one to "tag" a mob gets the loot and fame for the kill.

-Your skills are locked out for a time when you dismount (10-15 seconds) so dismount early when you are hunting mobs.

-Always pickup a mission. You can only have 1, and there are three types. Gathering, killing, or delivery, they reset every 30 min, have a 4 hour time limit, and the NPC has a limited amount of silver to hand out, so keep that in mind(there is a counter showing how much silver he has left at the bottom of the mission menu). And it's the only way to increase faction that I've seen so far.

-Learn to use the different maps. There's a world map that shows how the zones connect and the PvP rating, and the local map that shows POIs and has crafting material information.

-Harvesting tools can harvest materials one level higher than their level.

-Craft, purchase, or ask a guildie for a backpack and footwear with the load carrying perk, they can almost double your initial carrying capacity.

-Mounting your horse or oxen greatly increases your carrying capacity, but you have to dismount to craft or harvest, just mount back up to move between harvests/crafting stations.

-Your mount weighs 45 kg, so don't carry a spare mount in your inventory...

-Banks are not linked together, so remember where you stored your loot!

-You can craft storage trunks for buildings on your island and I would assume the guild island as well.

-You have to craft buildings after setting them up (Similar to the old Horizons game). You can see the material requirements on the buildings menu before you select the item.

Sorry I jumped around a bit, I just went off of how I jotted the notes down. I'll add more this weekend as I discover them, and I'll try to get on TS in case anyone has any questions.

Please feel free to add any tips you come across, and if it takes off, I'll clean it up and organize it a bit.


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Re: Tips I've picked up so far

Post by Verwustung » Sun Dec 13, 2015 6:37 pm

Great info thanks for sharing!

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Re: Tips I've picked up so far

Post by AAugust » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:10 am

excellent advice! A couple additions; Missions: if you don't get started on the early ones, you won't have enough of a relationship with the factions (Ie: builders, traders, soldiers not sure what they are in game) to do the ones that appear in higher tier areas.

The missions should have you crafting a lot of extra weapons and armor. Keep at least one extra set in the bank so if you die and lose your inv, you can run back to the bank and p/u.

Starting at t3 you need the next lowest tier resource to refine Ie: chestnut planks take birch planks and raw chestnut, so plan ahead when you harvest.

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Re: Tips I've picked up so far

Post by Verwustung » Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:59 am

That is what I am currently doing now and really enjoying it. Played most of the day yesterday! When are you on normally? I am very low level at the moment. My character name is Verwustung

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