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Tigerlily's Alpha 1 Class impressions

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Tigerlily's Alpha 1 Class impressions

Post by Fox » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:26 pm

This post is to help those of you that want to better pre-plan what you will test/play during alpha and beta without doing the scatter-brained time soak that I prefer doing by leveling every single class.

Blade Master:
First there needs to be a distinction made. There are Blade Masters and Blade DANCERS. The Blade Dancer is on the Lyn (lil' fox kid) class only. The Blade Master can be played on Yun & Jin. The Blade MASTER is a TANK class that has long defensive counter stances, stuns, knock downs, and less DPS.

Blade DANCER is an AoE DPS dealer focusing on stun, knock down, and support. If you want a great damage dealer thats good for PvP that relies on mobility and AoE, while still having decent solo targeting ability, then this is the class for you.

This is an extremely fun class that has some very complex combos. This class focuses on stealth and counters much like a traditional rogue like character. Most of your moves depend on setting up your combo to survive. If you get a successful combo off, everything dies (period, full stop). If you want a great damage dealther thats decent for PvP and relies on setting up combos, stealth, and SOLO TARGET dps, then this is the class for you! While the Assassin does have AoE, it really shines with solo target damage and DoTs (poison).

Kung Fu Master:
The Kung Fu Master is a TANK class that has lower DPS but extremely fun combo counters and bruce lee animations. The counter ability on this class is extremely short compared to blade master, so this tank is more for those with an extremely good PING and/or very good twitch response. Kung Fu Master is all about counter, counter, counter, counter, counter, knock down, grapple (yup! MMA style) and knock downs. If you want a tank class that takes more attention and with cooler animations, then this is the class for you! A fare warning though! After level 35 I found the dungeons, bosses, and general enemies to be extremely unforgiving for those who consecutively mess up counters and combos! Beware.....if you're not on it as a tank you will die FAST.

What can be said about destroyer? Gon is the race for playing the destroyer. Big character, BIG AXE, and a Big Attitude. AoE, AoE, AoE knock down, AoE, AoE, and some more AoE. If you want an in-yo-face AoE super higher DPS, then this is the class for you! Nice gap closers, endless AoE (if done right) and a few stuns. Just remember, you can spam AoE all the time! Enemies use block & counters just like you! I found myself taking much more damage than my Blade Dancer during leveling and PvP, but soooo much more AoE damage!

Force Master:
I played the force master to 20 and it is ALL about the AoE! However, with the Destroyer I could spam AoE with whirlwind slashes. With the Force Master it was more about the set up. The force master concentrates on mobility, AoE elemental damage, and escapes. Great graphics for the spell animations. If you want a class thats more of your classic mage style play, then this is the class for you. You can also spec into heal/support making this class extremely helpful for Dungeons.

While I didn't personally enjoy this class, you get to run around with your very own cute little furry cat as a companion! There are 5 initial cats to choose from, and there are a lot of cat cloths, hats, and accessories that I found on the cash shop, and also as dropped or reward items. It seems that if you're more of a pet class player, and you love dressing up your kitty in painfully adorable or rediculous outfits, then this is the class for you! The class focuses on ranged damage and stuns, while your cat focuses on up close damage. You also have support abilities for your kitty and your group. Your cat will end up doing the majority of your damage, and they don't have that great of a health pool, so you will find yourself aggrivated in PvP as someone can easily nuke down your cat. Then you're left with only 40% of your DPS at your disposal. However, for PvE it is quite fun, the Cat animations are very cool, and the outfits you can dress them in will add loads of fun to your play. The Cats even fly through the air with you and talk to you in the story line.

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