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World PvP

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World PvP

Post by Lotharen » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:58 pm

Martial artists must choose a faction to align themselves with early in their story. WeÔÇÖll be going over some of the core gameplay features that being in a faction provides.

PvP & You

The Cerulean Order and the Crimson Legion are rivals in the world of Blade & Soul, even though they share a common cause. When you first join a faction, youÔÇÖll be rewarded with a faction costume. Equipping this costume will notify other playersÔÇöand members of the factionsÔÇöthat youÔÇÖre ready to fight. Putting on a faction costume not only flags you for PvP against members of the opposing faction, but also opens up daily faction quests and faction-specific Windstride ports (provided youÔÇÖve activated them).

World PvP Rewards

Defeating an opposing faction member within a valid level range provides you with temporary PvP currency known as Prestige Points.

If you defeat a player of the opposing faction, you are also able to steal their accumulated Prestige points. But be careful - they can do the same back to you!

Prestige is able to be traded for reputation within your faction, as well as for items and other rewards. The more opposing faction members you defeat, the more Prestige you can collect and trade in, and the greater the reputation and rewards you can obtain!

Prestige is something you build up and spend within a single play session; the moment youÔÇÖre defeated or remove your PvP flag for any reason, youÔÇÖll lose any Prestige you have that hasnÔÇÖt been spent on reputation or rewards. Your Prestige will also be reset by changing channels, taking a Windstride, leaving the zone or game, or unequipping your faction costume.

You start at Faction Rank 10, and through acquiring reputation, will progress all the way up to Rank 1. The maximum amount of Prestige Points you can collect increases as your Faction Rank increases. You can swap factions at any point, but if you do youÔÇÖll lose all reputation youÔÇÖve gained, and youÔÇÖll have to start over from Faction Rank 10 if you ever decide to swap back.

World PvP Locations

The Warring Factions spend their time battling over resources, and youÔÇÖll be able to see where theyÔÇÖre fighting by looking for the faction symbols present on the map:

If PvP isnÔÇÖt your thing, but you still want to earn some of these rewards, heading to a campÔÇöPvP hubs where youÔÇÖll find PvP quests and vendorsÔÇö will let you find non-player faction members to battle, which will also reward Prestige Points when defeated.

We hope you enjoyed this quick preview of faction costumes and PvP rewards!

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