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Korean Dev Team Q&A

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Korean Dev Team Q&A

Post by Lotharen » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:16 pm

The Korean Dev team in conjunction with the American team held a Live Stream today to discuss the game. Some things that were talked about:

Parts of the game are being changed for the US release - examples are the leveling process being less of a grind.
Hair colors are being added (the main request was red) and some more western faces are being added. The guys will
be given some short hair styles.

The newest class that was announced in Korea will eventually make it into the game. Speculation is it will be a Gunner. (Who knows when that will happen, we still need the Warlock!)

Clan sizes were limited for balance and to foster team work with its members. These could be changed in the future based on feed back they receive.

The Korean team has a group that researches new graphics technology and ways to implement it into the game to keep it fresh.

Since you can change the appearance of your weapon now the art team is currently working on new weapon types for players to use.

The costume contest winner was a Bamboo styled outfit and the Korean dev team promised to add it into the game. (Cash shop purchase Ill bet)

That's all I can remember, you can watch the live stream here:

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