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Love to hear some Grievance opinions!

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Love to hear some Grievance opinions!

Post by Zafan » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:00 pm

Hello everyone! This is Zafan from Grievance Rift and WoW Horde division! How is everyone today?

So as you all know and have experienced, Skyforge has opened its open beta. I've heard a lot about it. I heard it of course, is an MMORPG but has combat/controls similar to games such as Diablo, along with a combo system. I also heard the game looks great and combat is fast and fluid.

Without having to go through all the comments in other forums and youtube videos with people I don't really know and trust, i'd love to hear some of Grievance's views on the game! I know you guys will be honest with how you feel and I can trust Grievance in giving me good insight.

So what's Skyforges pros and cons? I'd love to hear them!

Anyways, thanks in advance, and look forward in hearing from you!
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Re: Love to hear some Grievance opinions!

Post by Novatek » Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:15 pm

Hey there,

I did a pro/con with my experience in CB4 here viewtopic.php?f=842&t=34477

A lot of members are helping each other run folks through content that are stuck. Our roster has quadrupled since headstart, so there are lots of people to group with and lots of people now starting to dive into the 5person dungeons.

Grouping is still where this game shines.

Also, join us in TS if you want to know more. :)
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Re: Love to hear some Grievance opinions!

Post by Zippity » Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:02 am

As with any new game there will be a few flaws to be worked out and so forth, but over all the game is fun and looks nice...

I've heard folks saying it looks like a cross breed of lots of different games, such as Diablo and so on... Personally I think it has a lot of unique systems in-place and looks nothing like Diablo...

There are two ways in which the questing system works, either through Instanced Adventures/Quests or Instanced Open Zones... You have one central Adventure/Quest Hub with a few attached mini-zones, which is where you spend a majority of your time queing for Adventures or interacting with Quest NPC's...

I akin the Instanced Adventures (which are usually 1-3 person small/medium questing areas) sorta like how Vindictus handles their instanced quests... You can do them repeatedly if you want, but it is not always necessary to do so...

The instanced Open Zones are basically like any normal open questing zones where you have a series of open quests to accomplish with a big reward at the end if you complete them all... And once they are all completed you can reset and do them again if you wish... And as you gain in Prestige (a representation of your level basically) you get access to new open zones...

You only have one character, that begins with access to 3 basic character classes; The Paladin (a tank class), the Lightbinder (a Support Class), and the Cryomancer (a DPS class)... But you can work towards gaining new classes as you invest into the main talent tree system, outside of your Class talent tree... Now, there are limits each week as to gaining certain types of rewards, so gaining access to new classes does take a bit of time to accomplish... Not something you can typically do in the first week or two...

The graphics are nice, and you have a lot of character look options, outside of initial costumes...

Don't go into the game expecting FPS numbers in the hundreds or anything... But the FPS, depending on your system and where you are, can range from 40ish in the main hub, up to an average of 60ish or higher in open zones and instances... And I rarely experience any kind of lag unless it was communication related on my end... Since your eye can only see so many Frames per second anyway, I never see any graphical slow down or hesitation regardless how many folks are blasting around me...

There is a lot of other stuff I could go into, but I'll save that for maybe a complete review at some point...

Over all, I'm enjoying the game, but I can see how at certain points the game can have some repetition and perhaps even be a secondary game for some folks... But for now, it's a blast, and I agree with Nova, it is much more fun when grouping than when soloing...

I hope that gives you a little insight...


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