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Zombie Survival Guide

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:44 am
by Novatek
There are hundreds of things one needs to know when faced with a world of reanimated corpses. To give you a leg up on surviving the wasteland of H1Z1 Heres our top 10 survival tips and tricks. Read them thoroughly, they could be the only thing keeping you alive

1. Keep a Low Profile

Everything in H1Z1 wants you dead. ItÔÇÖs up to you to keep that from becoming a reality. The best way to get around and stay alive is to keep quiet. Zombies and other players are attracted to loud sounds such as chopping down a tree or starting up a car. You may want to keep yourself warm by the fire, but remember that fire creates smoke and can be seen from a great distance. You may find yourself in a pinch and have to fire a gun, but keep in mind that with that great power come great consequences. Sticking to a silent weapon like the bow will keep things quiet when you need to dispatch an enemy.

2. Look Under Every Rock

The name of the game is scavenging. Leave no leaf unturned. When in a home or building, make sure you search it from top to bottom. You may come up empty handed because other survivors looted the place before you got there, but it is always worth looking. Everything you find is important to keeping you alive. You may think an empty water bottle is just trash, but you can fill it in the lake and boil it over a fire for fresh clean drinking water!

3. The Hills are Alive

Zombies arenÔÇÖt the only things running around out in the wild. In your travels you will come across a wide range of wildlife. That wolf may look like the family pet you used to have but donÔÇÖt be fooled, they will take you down faster than you can blink. Deer are a great source of food but they can also be used as a distraction tool for the zombies. The undead will chase anything that moves ÔÇô they donÔÇÖt care what it is. And watch out for bears; donÔÇÖt even think about taking one down unless you are very, very will armed.

4. Crafting is Key

You wonÔÇÖt find everything you need right away, but you can eventually make it yourself. This is why itÔÇÖs important to pick up all sorts of different materials. You never know what you can create until you try combining them through the discovery system. Learn simple things like bandages and progress to things like full structures. YouÔÇÖll be surprised at the number of useful items you can make with your own two hands. Some things may require heat to make, so keep your eyes peeled for furnaces and camp fires.

5. Have the Latest Information

If you are lucky enough to read this before all major infrastructures like electricity and the internet have gone down, then you are one of the fortunate few. Before you do anything else, make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook for all the latest announcements regarding this H1Z1 apocalypse. Help us shape to world you are about to live in; make your voice heard on our Reddit page.

6. Vehicles are a Gift and a Curse

Count your lucky stars if you come across one of the very rare working vehicles. They are the best way to get across the land quickly. You can use them to store your extra gear and when youÔÇÖre inside, the dead canÔÇÖt reach you. Be aware that the noise of the vehicle will instantly alert zombies and other survivors to your presence. Sure, you can run them over like an overpowered bowling ball but the amount of chaos you create will only draw more. Make sure you have all the parts you need to make the car run as well.

7. Learn Who You Can Trust / Trust No One

You will inevitably run into other survivors in your travels but tread carefully when meeting another person for the first time. They are out here trying to survive at any cost, just like you are. Some will want to work together but others are living in a kill or be killed state of mind. Even your best friend might look at you a little differently when you find an extremely rare item

8. Know What You Signed Up For

Just like any other catastrophic world event, the landscape of H1Z1 will change a great deal as time goes on. Expect to encounter unforeseen consequences. Game crashes and bugs are just a part of life in Early Access, and we appreciate all of your bug reports and feedback! When things do go wrong, rest assured that a team of highly skilled people are working on the problem and will get things up and running as soon as zombily possible. Is that a word? It is now.

9. Build Your Home

After a period of living an uncomfortable, nomadic lifestyle, you may want to decide to set down roots. The benefits of setting up camp are many. You can create things like dew collectors to keep you supplied with water. You can plant crops in your yard for a steady source of food. The walls around your new home will keep your safe from the undead. They will require some maintenance but it will be worth it.

10. Defend It!

Your home base will quickly become the envy of all. ItÔÇÖs up to you to make sure a roving band of bandits donÔÇÖt come to take everything you worked so hard for. ItÔÇÖs important to find someone who will help you defend your keep. Two pairs of eyes are better than one. You can also set up a series of traps for the unsuspecting bandits. Luring hordes of zombies just outside your walls is also a nice deterrent to would-be human looters ÔÇô kind of a moat with undead. This is your new home in the apocalypse; defend it to your last breath!

There are many, many more things to learn about surviving in H1Z1 and your knowledge will grow with time and experience. From all of us at the Zombie Survival Institute, good luck and stay alive!