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WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

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WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Futon » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:33 am

This game just keep getting better and better

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Nyogtha » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:12 am

LOL F-ing badass! Looks great! They MUST keep this humor within the game! Must!
I really like the mechanics. More than one way to break control...fantabulous!

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Adellar » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:05 pm

The disclaimer is getting faster. I can't keep up!

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Nyogtha » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:11 pm

LOL! I didn't notice that.

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by DragonFaith » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:36 pm

Yea was going to share that but you beat me enjoyed the video some different idea's but like how they added stuff so some CC works even on boss fights

MARS ATTACKS where grandma old music box that wipe them all out :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Nyogtha » Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:53 pm

DragonFaith wrote:Yea was going to share that but you beat me enjoyed the video some different idea's but like how they added stuff so some CC works even on boss fights

MARS ATTACKS where grandma old music box that wipe them all out :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Absolutely! I'm so tired of "Well it's a boss, so it's going to ignore half of your abilities". That's nonsense! That does not make a fight more of a challenge, it makes it annoying. Let my abilities affect the boss, but make the AI and attacks better and that seems to be what WildStar is trying to do.

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Smog » Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:11 pm

Looks very good

every time i check this game out it sounds better and better :)
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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Kannon » Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:01 pm

Can someone post the disclaimer frames?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Kryton » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:34 pm

I really like the look of how CC will be innovative in this game. I especially like blind and disarm.

I really really REALLY think stun needs to be reworked though. People can make mods or macro a key to automatically get you out if it no problem without any effort of your own. PvP enthusiasts would make stun near useless.

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Re: WildStar DevSpeak - Crowd Control [OFFICIAL]

Post by Adellar » Thu Aug 22, 2013 7:57 pm

Kannon wrote:Can someone post the disclaimer frames?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 4 Beta
The video you are about to see does not represent the final version of WildStar. You will see content in these videos that are works in progress, some more than others. All player abilities will likely change in some way before launch. This video is our attempt to provide a detailed explanation of WildStar's core gameplay, while still leaving content for you to discover once we go live. Enjoy.

Okay. So. Stop me if you've heard this one. An Aurin, a Mordesh, and a Granok go on a mission to sabotage a Dominion military facility. They go in at night, sneak in without issue, and plant multiple explosives - but one of them trips the alarm before they can finish, and they're quickly captured by the ICI. They're separated from each other and thrown into three different cells, unable to communicate.

The next morning, an elite Mechari agent of the ICI arrives at the facility to interrogate and deal with the prisoners. The agent repeatedly demands that the prisoners betray the Exiles and reveal what secrets they possess, but the Aurin refuses to talk, the Mordesh speaks only in cryptic phrases, and the only intel the Granok gives is how exactly he plans to kill everyone during his eventual escape.

With nothing to gain from continuing to hold the prisoners, the agent makes his decision and first goes to the Aurin's cell. "Logic dictates that I cannot set you free," the agent says, " so you will be terminated along with your friends. However, as I seek in all ways to serve as an honorable combatant, I will provide you with a final meal of your choice before your disassembly. Declare your preference and it shall be done."

The Aurin proceeds to order an Arboria Redleaf salad, a complex dish requiring the gathering of 14 different kinds of fruit, a fresh harvest of Redleaf (which can only be grown on Arboria, and is almost impossible to find in non-trivial quantities since the Dominion ravaged its ecosystem), a sauce made up of spices from half a dozen planets, and must be prepared while serenaded by highly trained consorts.

The agent takes this request as a direct challenge to his abilities, and utilizes every resource at his command. The fruits are gathered, the Redleaf supplied, the sauce assembled, and the consorts brought to the base under false pretenses without any knowledge of their true purpose or situation. The agent's exanite core glows with pride as the salad is brought to the Aurin's cell.

Next, the agent goes to the Mordesh's cell, and makes the same offer, asking for a meal of the Mordesh's choosing to eat before being executed for crimes against the Dominion. The Mordesh studies the agent for what seems like hours before drawing to her full height from the darkest corner of the cell and faces the agent with a combination of defiance, anger, and resignation to the fates.

The Mordesh proceeds to whisper of a memory long past from her youth on Grismara, years before the unleashing of the Contagion. Serving as the pilot on the inaugural send-off of the planet's grandest and largest zeppeloid, the Mordesh was given the honor to dine with the vessel's most esteemed and respected passengers - an unprecedented act of generosity and appreciation.

That evening, the diners were presented with a 14-course medley of masterpieces heretofore unrivaled in the known universe. With only the slightest hint of nostalgia, the Mordesh spared no detail in describing to the Mechari the appetizers, entrees, drinks and desserts that made up what everyone who consumed it immediately realized would be the greatest meal they would ever experience.

The Mordesh finished the story, asking for the agent to recreate this meal so that she might once again remember the glory of her former life, even if the crippling decay of the Contagion meant never truly being able to taste its true flavor a second time. The agent barely hesitated before nodding purposefully, and set out to make this meal a reality once more.

Favors were called, and deals were made across star systems. Animals long thought extinct were brought out of hiding to be slaughtered and prepared, even some that were known to be the last of their kind. Spies risked their lives to infiltrate the blockade around Grismara, and dossiers on the chef and his menu were formed, down to the style of utensils and flatware used at the gala affair.

And then, as a final touch, the Dominion prepared each course with an experimental infusion of the Vitalus serum, allowing any Mordesh consuming the meal to experience the most fleeting on sensations across their tongue, before cruelly fading back into the muddy recesses of numbness. The tables were wheeled with gusto into the Mordesh's cell, who could be seen to sigh wistfully for the briefest of instants.

Finally, the agent entered the Granok's cell and stood with an almost subservient air of respect. Ready for whatever request the final prisoner might make, the agent informed the Granok of plans for the Exiles' imminent doom, the respect the Dominion held for their necessary sacrifice, and the agent's wish to oblige the Granok's enumeration of whatever sustenance would come to the soldier's mind.

The Granok thought for only a short moment before shrugging to the agent and replying, "I guess I'll have a glass of water, thanks." The agent reacted with incensed disgust, almost staggering backwards from how mundane and trivial the request was. "I offer you any dish available in the known universe... how could you possibly desire nothing more than a glass of WATER?!" The Granok cracked a smile and replied,

(Yes, it does actually end like that).

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