I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from editing the addon code directly. Use this fix at your own risk. If you are uncomfortable with editing the source code of an addon, please do not attempt this fix.
The Fix:
- ESO must not be open / running on your computer, please close all instances of the game / launcher before continuing.
- Navigate to your addon installation folder (default on Windows: Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns) and open the "Shissu'sGuildTools" Folder.
- Open the "Tools" folder and then open the file called "ContextMenu.lua" using just a basic text editor (such as notepad, do not use microsoft word or other higher level editors, they will not work)
- Scroll to the line that looks like this:
- if(data.alliance == GetUnitAlliance("player")) then
- And change it to this:
- if(--[[data.alliance == GetUnitAlliance("player")--]] true) then
- Save the file and then start the game. The context menu should be working properly now.