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Supergroup invite
Supergroup invite
My main game is Everquest 2 but I just started to occasionally play this game. Would be cool to play with fellow guild mates if we still have people playing. Character name is Taerion.
Re: Supergroup invite
I sent you a guild invite in game, if you don't see it when you log in, let me know.
Feel free to shout if you ever need help:
World of Warcraft: Thalrath/Thaljin
Marvel Heroes: Thalan
Landmark: Thalan
World of Warcraft: Thalrath/Thaljin
Marvel Heroes: Thalan
Landmark: Thalan
Re: Supergroup invite
thanks for sending the invite thalan I have intentions of building up both sides once the wow alliance guild is chartered stay tuned for more info
Embassy Division Leader
Embassy Division Leader
Foxtrot Embassy Division Leader
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