Oh nice! Is that in-game gear or costume?
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Screen Shots
Re: Screen Shots
FFXIV: Miss Nymira http://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone ... r/1793998/
Battle.net: Nymira#1417
PSN: Nymirah
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Nymira_G3
Battle.net: Nymira#1417
PSN: Nymirah
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/Nymira_G3
Re: Screen Shots
That is in-game gear; hodgepodged together from quest rewards and drops; and the color changed on those items to make them look uniform. The headpiece by default is green and earthy tan gradient, the shoulder piece is purple, and the robe is a gradient of like blue to maroon. So spent 45sc to buy a color that I could use to make them look somewhat cohesive.

Re: Screen Shots
Just because Lord Nagafen is just so groovy, and I'm in love 

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